Artwork for Petty Therapy Advice
A podcast where two best friends talk about trash TV and give petty advice. Lora and Lorraine are a cross-country best friend duo of moms. Lora is a marriage and family therapist offering real mental health insights as well as her not so therapeutic thoughts about the topics that come up . Lorraine is the resident trash TV binge watcher and educational content creator. Join us as we deconstruct the trash we've been watching lately. While we do discuss real therapy topics from time to time this likely is NOT the place to get good therapy advice. We keep it petty as Fuuuuuu**.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

Petty Therapy Advice

A podcast where two best friends talk about trash TV and give petty advice. Lora and Lorraine are a cross-country best friend duo of moms. Lora is a marriage and family therapist offering real mental health insights as well as her not so therapeutic thoughts about the topics that come up . Lorraine is the resident trash TV binge watcher and educational content creator. Join us as we deconstruct the trash we've been watching lately. While we do discuss real therapy topics from time to time this likely is NOT the place to get good therapy advice. We keep it petty as Fuuuuuu**.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo